Additional Disclaimers

Planning early for the next tax year can save you money - Make Your Appointment at 732-739-8991. Use our Client Portal to send us documents safely and securely anytime of the year!

Additional Disclaimers

Investors should always consider investment objectives, risks, charges and expenses of investments carefully. No investments are guaranteed and may lose value.  

Any financial or tax advice contained on this site (including any downloadable documents) is not intended to be used, and cannot be used, for purposes of (i) avoiding penalties imposed under the United States Internal Revenue Code or (ii) promoting, marketing or recommending to another person any tax-related matter. It should be used for general advice and any questions regarding your personal financial situation should be addressed by a Shapiro Financial Security Group CPA or CFP. 

About the Riskalyze Questionnaire

By filling out the risk tolerance questionnaire, you are providing data to Shapiro Financial Security Group, Inc., a Registered Independent Advisory firm.  Shapiro Financial does not sell or share your information with any third party parties.  We will use the information to contact you to discuss the analysis of your investments and/or risk tolerance.

Our Client Portal host is Citrix Sharefile

All communications and data sharing between ShareFile and the user are encrypted using either Secure Socket Layer (SSL) or Transport Layer Security (TLS) encryption protocols and up to AES 256-bit encryption. Your files are also protected while at rest on servers with AES 256-bit encryption.

Passwords are hashed so that not even ShareFile support employees are able to access them. All files on ShareFile are backed-up daily and hosted with best-of-breed servers and facilities.

Our website host is AdvisorWebsites


The se­cur­ity of your per­sonal in­form­a­tion is im­port­ant to us. When you provide sens­it­ive in­form­a­tion to us, we en­crypt the trans­mis­sion of that in­form­a­tion us­ing se­cure socket layer tech­no­logy (SSL).

We fol­low gen­er­ally ac­cep­ted in­dustry stand­ards to pro­tect the per­sonal in­form­a­tion sub­mit­ted to us, both dur­ing trans­mis­sion and once we re­ceive it. No method of trans­mis­sion over the In­ter­net, or method of elec­tronic stor­age, is 100% se­cure. There­fore, we can­not guar­an­tee its ab­so­lute se­cur­ity.

We use Ebix SmartOffice for our CRM

SmartOffice strives to protect your personal information. Ebix CRM’s network offers the highest possible protection using multiple security layers and industry-leading hardware and software solutions. Our network perimeter is protected by multiple Cisco PIX firewalls. Inside those firewalls, Ebix CRM systems are safeguarded by network address translation, port re-direction, IP masquerading, non-routable IP addressing schemes, and other methods. In addition, Ebix CRM has a comprehensive intrusion detection system to guard against network and host attacks. Our security team monitors and analyzes firewall logs and takes quick action when security threats are identified. Industry-leading tools such as Snort, OSSEC, Aanval, and McAfee form the basis of the system, which features frequent intrusion and malware signature updates to ensure the most current level
of protection possible.


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